Research Advice Teaching Debate

“Democracy, human rights, and academic freedom can never be taken for granted, they need to be demanded, defended, and protected every day.”


My research lies at the intersection of comparative authoritarianism, international relations, and regional studies of Western Asia and North Africa. My research interests include:

shrinking civic space and civil society resilience, authoritarianism, authoritarian resilience and regime decision-making, academic freedom, protest diffusion and repression, democratization and transitions after conflict and regime change, democracy and civil society support, foreign and development policy, fieldwork safety and methods, and assessing human rights violations.


  • In my PhD dissertation, I explored the impact of protests on elite threat perceptions and decision-making in authoritarian regimes in Morocco and Egypt during the Arab Uprisings 2011.

    Here is the Link to the dissertation.

  • "Change or Charade? Morocco's constitutional reform process 2011" in: ORIENT German journal for Politics, Economics, and Culture of the Middle East (2016) vol. 3, pp. 50-55. Find the article here.

  • "No Rivals to the King. The Limits to Political Reform in Morocco's 'Enlightened Authoritarianism'" with Isabelle Werenfelsin: SWP Comments 2017/C 17, May 2017. Find the paper here.

Academic Freedom


Democracy & Transition

Shrinking Civic Space

  • “Shrinking spaces in the Middle East and North Africa: supporting resilience of civil society” Policy Brief (17/2023) for: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS). Find the Brief here.